Thursday, July 5, 2012

Hey, It's Summer in Seattle!

We finally saw summer weather yesterday for the 4th of July. I know the rest of the country keeps complaining about the heat, but I've been dying for a little sunshine up here.

I never do too well eating healthily on holidays. Yesterday was no exception. I found a half eaten carton of trader joes mini milk chelate peanut butter cups that Ian's sister left here in the fridge. Between that, the bottle of Lambec I polished off, and out dinner at a local Mexican restaurant, I definitely went off my healthy eating plan. But today I'm back on track.

We had a mellow fourth. I got to catch up on some more true blood. My friend came over with some sparklers and root beer floats. Oh yeah, I forgot about the floats... Here's Big O's first experience with sparklers.

He never actually held one of the sparklers. He was kinda scared, kinda distracted, and not really sure what was going on. Thank goodness the kid can sleep through anything cuz the people in our hood were setting off fireworks most of the night. Oh, and here's a picture of Baby E inner patriotic duds.

Today was great too. In the morning I took the kids down to Alki playground, which is Big O's favorite. There are tons of Tonka trucks there that he loves to play with.

Baby E just chilled in the stroller.

Then, this afternoon we headed back to Alki. Ian went for a bike ride with Big O. I strapped Baby E into the Bjorn and went for a 2 mile walk. Felt good to get a little exercise, I need to do this more often. :)

I'm thinking I should focus more on just getting out of the house and walking rather than running. I really want to get back into running, but until baby can go with me in the stroller or until we have some extra child care, it's just too hard to get out and do the runs. Am I just being lazy, or realistic?

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