Thursday, June 28, 2012

Thankful Thursday

I'm officially cleared for exercise. No more excuses for staying flabby. Today I followed my plan and ran a mile. It was painful. I made it .6 of a mile and then had to walk a bit before I finished the rest. I walked before and after to get in a full two miles. I've been reading all these blogs about amazing mamas doing marathons, triathlons, etc. and I'm feeling pretty crummy. But, I did take almost 6 months off. My last race was The 12Ks of Christmas. I think I officially stopped running in January. I walked until about March and then I just stopped exercising altogether.

Today is Thankful Thursday.

#1. My husband. He does more than his fair share of taking care of the kids do that I can work on job applications, exercise, or nap. He's a pretty amazing guy.

#2. Not seeing 100 degree weather in over 7 years. I moved to Seattle from Sacramento where summers were blazing hot. I've been reading lots of blog posts complaining about the heat across the nation. By, here in Seattle when we do have sunny days it's generally in the 70s.

#3. My Fitness Pal. Not sue why this one seems so much easier than sparkpeople, but I've been really successful at tracking calories and staying under my limits.

#4. Summers with my babes. I got to go to the library then take a long walk to the play field on this beautiful afternoon. Baby E slept the whole time, but Big O was super excited to be out
And about. I just love having the time to spend with them this summer.

Here are some pictures from the workout Yes, my forehead really is that big! Thinking I should get bangs again...

Before and after workout pics
First Post Pregnancy Workout

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