Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Small Change #2: Fruits and Veggies

My parents hopped on a plane yesterday, and we are left alone with two little ones.  I'm not sure how parents do it when the kids outnumber the adults!  It's completely exhausting just taking care of these two little ones.

I've stuck with Small Change #1 for a week, really cutting down on the snacking I was doing between meals.  I'm not sure if it's too early to dive into Small Change #2, but I might as well try. I REALLY need to add more fruits and veggies to my diet.  My 2nd small change will be to include fruit or veggies with each meal.  I realize that I will still be well under the recommended # of servings, but this blog is called SMALL CHANGE. If you want big changes - look elsewhere!

 I've been hesitant to step on the scale since my last weigh in.  I'm worried about my weight going back up and about the unreliability of my scale.  Here's my problem - I've got this scale in the baby's nursery and there's really no good place to put it. It doesn't fit in the bathroom or anywhere else.  The bigger problem is that my son LOVES to play with the scale, so I usually have to put it away somewhere.  The floors in our house aren't 100% flat, so depending on where I put the scale I can get a very different reading - up to 5 pounds difference!  Sometimes I end up going all around the room, weighing myself in different places trying to find the lowest number.  I'll weigh in tomorrow and then again on Sunday for my final weight!

I took O in for his haircut yesterday.  I was so proud of him - not one tear! He was definitely a little bewildered about what was going on, but he never cried or screamed out. We went to a kids salon, which I think is definitely worth the extra $$.  They had so many toys for him to play with.  I can't imagine how he would have acted at SuperCuts.

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