Monday, March 18, 2013

Countdown to Pasadena: 15 Weeks

You thought I was gonna bail again, didn't you!  I'm still here, just had a minor fiasco yesterday that prevented me from blogging.  I went out for my 5 mile run @ 6:00.  It was starting to cool down and the sun was still out.  When I walked in the door around 7, I heard piercing screams and the sound of water running.  Baby E. had thrown up EVERYWHERE!  My husband was desperately trying to gather up everything with puke on it and shove it into our little bathroom sink.  He had left Baby E. up on the changing table, which she didn't think was such a good idea.  I ignored the puke and picked her up - I already stank enough after my run.  I took her outside to help her calm down in the cool evening air and then proceeded to help my hubby get all the puke filled linens out of her room.
After a quick hop in the shower (during which time, Baby E. upchucked again - this time on Ian's clothes!) I spent the rest of the evening taking care of baby girl.  Poor thing ended up waking up every hour to puke.  It was not a fun night.  Then, around 3 AM, Ian wakes me up to tell me that he has got this stomach bug too.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it stops there!

She was so happy earlier in the day...

I had a pretty decent week with my small changes last week. No, it wasn't perfect.  But, it was definitely better than crap.
Monday: 3 mile run
Wednesday 3. 5 mile run
Saturday: 1000 meter swim
Sunday: 5 mile run
See - better than crap!  I had two days of crummy eating, but managed to get back into the grove by the weekend.    This week, I hope to do about the same - we'll see what happens with this stomach bug.

I promised updated pictures.  Avert your eyes if necessary! I can see the difference from my earlier pictures.  But, I can also see how much farther I have to go. 

The good news is that this is the first time I fit back into my Speedo.  Everytime I went to the pool this summer, I had to wear a big mumu suit that I couldn't swim laps in.
Here's one last super cute picture to send you off into your week.  Big O LOVED my goggles.  He called them 'swim glasses' and spent an extra half hour in the bath playing with them.
Future swimmer???

Have a great week,
Big Mama

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